Things everyone should do this summer

Friday, August 03, 2012

It's pretty much halfway through the season of summer now - the time where we begin to wonder: "Where the heck did all the time go!?". Summer is traditionally an opportunity to chill out (weather permitting) before we literally start chilling out for the winter months. Shiver. So what I'm trying to grasp at is that time is precious, and if you're not already, it's time to make the most of your summer moments.

Here's a list to get you started. Things everyone should do this summer:

- Do that thing you always said you would.
Whether it's buying that will-I-won't-I? dress/manly top, finally shedding that extra pound/getting a gym bod to rival Michael Phelps, tidying your room, learning to cook that Italian gourmet chicken meal all your friends falsely believe you can cook already, starting a blog (highly recommend this one!), taking your mum shopping and actually paying for her purchase (a shopping spree in Poundland doesn't count in this instance),or whatever it is you said "I'll do it later" to.

- Do at least one random act of kindness
If you can put a smile on someone's face, it was worth it. And it will put a smile on yours, too.

- Meet up with the person who you haven't seen in years but would like to.
"So, have you been watching the OIympics?" and "OMG, Kristen soooo cheated on R-Patz" are great conversation starters. (I don't recommend the latter.) "Who's your favourite One Direction member?" will also work if you're a teenage girl (or boy - I'm not here to judge).

- Go running.
And if the sun's not shining, do 100 laps of your room instead.

- Cook a meal for your family friends. Just because you can.
I suggest the Italian gourmet chicken meal - see earlier.

- Sit in a coffee shop alone, buy a cuppa, and write down whatever's on your mind.
It's surprisingly peaceful, a popular pastime of mine, and I'm actually in Starbucks doing it now!

- Give a piece of good advice / Give a good piece of advice
To whoever needs it, or just the third stranger on the street. Just avoid, "throw that outfit out in the trash; you look like trash" and you'll be just fine.

- Cycle.
iPod in + ride your troubles away. Until you get a puncture, anyway...

- Make a new friend (real, not Facebook)
Even if it's a cat, that's cool. I've made friends with about 3 babies so far this summer. And counting.

- Watch the Dark Knight Rises

- Find any dilemma where you question whether to go with your head or go with your heart. And go with your heart.

- (This one's for the girls) Buy a new dress and feel gorgeous.
Because you are.

- Take photos and log your summer moments.
Whether it's just coffee with your sister-in-law, or bungee jumping in Australia.

- Say yes.
Even if it scares you.

And don't let summer limit you. These things should by no means be done just this summer, and not simply because I'm telling you to do so. Take hold of your time and make the most of it. But go with the list too!

Tell someone about (Or 100 people, if you'd like to be my best friend.)

Bev x

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