Carpe diem

Friday, August 24, 2012

Legend has it that the idiom "kick the bucket" originated from executions in the Middle Ages. Victims would stand on an overturned bucket just moments before being hanged. "Kick the bucket" = to die. Which is vaguely where the term "bucket list" comes from; it's a list of things you want to do before you die. And who said we didn't learn something new everyday?

So why am I going on about history and death? I'm not a pessimist, don't worry. I am one of the many many people who have one of these bucket lists - but instead of a list of stuff to do before I die, I consider it a list of things I hope to achieve in my life. There is a difference, y'know! Life is short, and it's fragile. Stories and events in every newspaper will tell you that.

Lists like mine allow you to challenge yourself, be bold, make promises which, someday in the near or far future, you will fulfil. And when you do, you will thank yourself for it and feel absofabbinlutely great. Whether it's something small like, "One day I will... wear brown." Or something more rewarding like "I will donate to the homeless." Or even "I will go bungee jumping for charity". (This one's on my list.. crossed off :) ) Here are a few more from mine...

- Have a picnic under the stars
- Visit America
- Write a book
- Buy a Marc Jacobs handbag
- Change someone's life

- Inspire someone
- Shake hands with someone who has inspired me
- Meet Jason Mraz 
- Meet someone I don't know, who has seen my blog
- Work in Germany  
- Meet The One, and just know (and he should know too!)

If you haven't already, I strongly strongly recommend that you have a go at starting a not-a-bucket bucket list. Or at least think about some of the things that you'd like to experience in life. It may not be today, tomorrow or even within the next 10 years - but the feeling of crossing something off is a very good one. You don't have to do anything nearly as crazy as bungee jump, although it was rather fun. No pressure!

Bev x
Ps. Carpe diem is Latin for "seize the day". Go seize!

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