Get ready to morph for the Power Rangers reboot!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Lionsgate announced a reboot of the Power Rangers franchise last year, bringing back the Mighty Morphin gang if you can cast your mind back to the 90s. Like many others, I was gripped by each series (Lightspeed Rescue was my personal fave) and I even recently re-watched some episodes on Netflix because revisiting childhood memories is always fun. But the first look teaser trailer of the 2017 film is a far cry from the colourful kids I knew. It feels much like a teenage series now, and a serious one at that.  Moody music? Check. Moody glares? Check. Slow motion moves? Check.

It doesn't quite feel like the Rangers we once knew, but it's a new, big budgeted era - I just can't take it seriously as a serious film if they still insist on calling themselves "power rangers" if you know what I mean. There are some superhero discovery elements of Fantastic Four, but I feel like this is going to be more of an origins story, as gritty realistic as superpowers can get. At least it's not like the old rangers who would don a suit and immediately become invincible martial arts experts though. I always imagined I'd pick up a magical rock, morph into Pink Ranger, and karate kick my way to coolness.

You won't get to see much of the newly-upgraded suits, and there's still no sign of a Megazord, but it's a promising start if you're game for something new. Also, the likes of Elizabeth Banks, Bryan Cranston and Bill Hader join relatively unknown young cast members to make up the famous five. It's an intriguing first glance, and I'm excited to see more. Bring on the Megazords!

Watch the first trailer here!

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