Hiatus PLUS trailers galore from Comic-Con

Monday, August 01, 2016

San Diego, THANK YOU. It's that time of year when we get aaaall the trailers and get insanely excited about all the upcoming movies. I'm talking about Comic-Con, of course. We've got a brand new take on King Kong, lots of superheroes (DC and Marvel), wizarding magic and plenty more. Whilst we chew on that, now's probably a good time to let you know I'll be going on an August hiatus as I will be travelling to a land far, far away...  I know what you're thinking - I'm going to miss all the August releases (starting with Suicide Squad out this week on the 5th). And I know, how will you cope without a play-by-play review of Sausage Party!?

But to keep us going for the next few weeks, it's time for you to get insanely excited about all these trailers and films. And I'll see you when I'm back!

We've got some superhero action in the form of Justice League (Ben Affleck's putting together a team, sound familiar?), and then Wonder Woman gets some more screen time in a blockbuster for next summer. Marvel's in this super-bunch too introducing Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange.

There are also superheroes saving the world on TV, too. DC's Legends of Tomorrow, plus Marvel have some new shows coming to Netflix.

Let's not forget the Lego superheroes...back by popular demand.

There are some 'regular people' films too. But then again, a colossal ape, legendary king, and secret community of witches and wizards are hardly regular.

Enjoy, and see you soon!


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