
Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's that time of the year again - where fluffy chicks and ducks flood every shop window and pretty packages of chocolate are shoved in your face at every given opportunity. Which, in my case, isn't actually a good thing. (Until tomorrow; I've given up everything chocolate-related for Lent.) I'm strangely proud of my achievements - no hot chocolate, yummy Rolo dessert pots, chocolate cake/biscuits, hugely-reduced bars of Cadbury's...My stomach doesn't even flinch following the nearby chocolate conversations - and when you're conscious of them, there are actually quite a few. This one's going on my CV.

But chocolate is not the only thing I'm writing about today. In fact, it's the least important thing on my mind at the moment. Because Easter is a massively significant time which means a heck of a lot to me - as a Christian, I believe that without the events 2000 years ago, we are basically doomed. Jesus dying on a cross is the best, best thing that ever happened to us. But that wasn't just it..the big difference is that he came back to life. Fo' real. And with this, he offers the gift of life so we are, basically, no longer doomed. I've never ever felt more loved. I'm going to remember via the blog today by sharing a few Youtube videos - don't worry, I'm not going to launch into some hour-long speech. If you want, give them a watch..noone's about to force you but it's there nonetheless.

What if Jesus had Twitter?
A basic and simple retelling of Jesus's life in 140 characters. It's right up the street of us 21st century keyboard-bashing folk (myself included, bash bash bash).

 Everything - a short sketch to the music of Lifehouse
Erm, I don't think it's actually possible for me to watch this without crying. I've watched versions of this at least 6 times and leave each time with tearstained blurry eyes. It has something like 20 million hits.

Above all
In terms of Easter songs, this is one of my absolute favourites. "You took the fall, and thought of me... above all." Also, the video makes me want to go to the beach. 
That's all, guys. I'm about to become the cheesy cliche Christian from films/TV for the next line but I'm saying it because it is all true and I fiercely believe it to be true:
Jesus loves you.

Love, Bev x

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