More wintry photos? Snow chance!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

...Yep, I bet you heard that one before. About 300 times on each of your friends' Facebook statuses. (This is Blogger; doesn't count.). Anyway, it's been a while since a Beview update so here are some lovely snapshots of my wintry landscape from the weekend. Enjoy! 

Bev x

 The making of something special. It's easy once you're on a roll (see what I did there?); the tricky part is having to lift it.

 In true John Lewis ad style, I went the extra mile and donated my scarf so this cool chap could feel loved. Sadly, he was destroyed by ruthless passerbys later on in the day, the only remnants being a single carrot, two grapes and three M&Ms. The Snowman meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

People completely unaware of a group of guys snowball-plotting behind a tree.

The new boyfriend. He's well cool ;)

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