Let's get those resolutions going...

Friday, January 04, 2013

There are several things I like about a brand new year:

1. It's brand new. Meaning you can turn a new leaf if you need to, and everything feels newly minty fresh. 

2. Spring quickly leads to summer - hooray for not having to hide behind ridiculously fluffy jumpers! I like bright colours and have been dressing to the nines in black and grey this winter. The end of my yellow-dress hibernation will be a happy change.

3. You can convince yourself that this is the optimal time for change: "I will do things different this time" shall be your new mantra. 

4. Resolutions. Oh, those ruddy resolutions. To eat more healthily, cook more inventively (and hopefully blog about them), exercise more, write more, and invent something - are mine. You can make sure I keep my word on that penultimate one.

5. I now have a good enough reason to get all the things that ever bothered me last year. Get your head straight, sort out your issues, know what you want to with your life. It is, after all, so last year.

6. It's 2013 - which means you won't be constantly bombarded with all this "Oh My God. We're going to die this year!" nonsense.

7. This is the year of your birthday again. Older = wiser.

8. New films. Bring on Les Mis!

9. New memories

10. Do what you said you would do last year but didn't . New opportunities.

And on that note, it's time to hit the gym. Resolutions. Oh, those ruddy resolutions...

Bev x

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