Greetings :)

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Hey guys,

I know it's been a while since I blogged on here but that definitely doesn't mean I've been AWOL! In fact, I'm anything but. I've started a separate fashion blog documenting my daily outfits, all involving a white shirt! For at least 30 days, I'll be trying to find as many different ways as possible of wearing the classic white shirt. A bit of shameless plugging here, but do go and check it out! -> original title, I know.

Also, can I just say I've been overwhelmed by the number of page hits my review of The Hunger Games - I actually can't quite believe it! You lovely people from the UK, USA, Canada, Phillipines, Australia, Germany, Mexico, Singapore, Ireland, Netherlands - can I get an OMG? (No? Ok maybe just me then...) I am newly in love with Blogger so I promise you I'll be doing a lot more writing to you very, very nice people on here. 

See you soon and in the meantime, The White Shirt Challenge! Click, pronto. Go!
 Bev x

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