A few things you didn't know about Idris Elba...

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Whilst man of the moment Idris is pretty busy running off rooftops and beating the bad guys in Bastille Day right now, we (uh, I) had a little sit down and thought about how much we don't know about the man behind the booming voice and kick-ass moves. Like, did you know he is a rapper and DJ? He also features in Disney's new-classic Zootopia/Zootropolis and is one of media's favourite front-runners to be the next Bond.

His DJ name is Big Driis the Londoner

Is it ok if we call him that? He sings and raps, too.

He's nailed the American accent

Apparently loads of people (read: a few people on Twitter) thought he was American. But Quentin Tarantino wasn't convinced and said the only reason he didn't cast him in Django Unchained was because he wasn't really American, and it was an American story.

He's not bad at hand-to-hand combat

With starring roles in American Gangster, Bastille Day, Pacific Rim and of course, Luther, it's no secret that Idris is not only king of drama, but also of getting physical with his action roles. I can confirm he does a lot of that in Bastille Day. He rivals Bourne and Bond in terms of roof-jumping too.

The name's Bond...

At the moment, the next Bond speculation is revolving around two names: Tom Hiddleston, and you guessed it, Idris Elba. (It's ok, they're mates.) He's said he has "grown tired" of all the rumours, but all these *mystery sources* are constantly throwing his name into the ring so there must be good reason to. As he's shown in Bastille Day, he can definitely take on the bad guys.

He's a bit of a style icon too.

He collaborated with Superdry, releasing his first collection in late 2015. Reversible bomber jackets, cashmere hoodies, sick motorcycle jackets...what more could a guy want? He told The Telegraph he's not a fashion guru but knows what a man wants to look like. 

Ok, let's have another Big Driis record

Added 19th May: THIS!

As if he weren't already cool enough, Idris has now challenged Macklemore and Ryan Lewis to a dance-off - you need to see this. I mean, if Idris is telling us to get on the floor, what else is there to do!?

Bastille Day is in UK cinemas now.

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