Happy 100th!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dear Readers,

You are currently reading the 100th Beview post. Writing this in the Christmas-New-Years sandwich gives me even more cause for celebration...whooop! 100 is a great number, and it's all 3 digits from here on. 

I woke up to 51 Facebook notifications this morning, all photo likes from a friend (hey Pete!) going through all my way-too-many profile pictures and timeline photos. One of them was a screenshot of my old blog, The Lollipop House, and the last page before transferring over to this website now. I officially moved house on 18th June 2012, and we're pretty much 2 and a half years into the future now. I would say time flies, but it also feels like an entire lifetime has passed. Does that make any sense? 

I've always enjoyed writing and this hasn't changed. The only thing that has changed is the amount of things I've been juggling alongside writing. In that sense, the 100th post is probably long, long, long overdue. The blog itself was born from the want to simply share musings, opinions, and the odd song or video here and there. Since then, I've had 2 site makeovers, 2 blogs on the side, and a definite shift towards my love of film. 100 is a cool milestone and a chance to reflect on some of the weird and wonderful things I've published on here. For example, this one! 

Anyway, before I get all mushy and sentimental, I'll draw the line. 

It's been a good 100 posts; here's to the next 100! 

Much love,
Bev xxx

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