Lights will guide you home.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Excuse the sad title, but every time I think of lights I think of this song. And this post is about lights, so... (it's Coldplay's "Fix You", in case you're wondering). Anyway, I was driving locally the other day when I came to a crossroad with broken traffic lights. Like,  every single one was not working. Timidly, I edged forward like a mouse (I'm thinking Jerry) checking to see if the coast is clear of cats (I'm thinking Tom). Finally, crossing over to the other side, fanfare echoed, choirs rejoiced and I felt the jubilation of crossing over the finishing line of some spectacular Olympic race - keeping with the Olympic spirit of London. Ok, so that last part was a little exaggerated, but you get the idea. When I arrived home (safely), I thanked God for lights. Life would be tricky without lights.

Let's see; without traffic lights we crash, without headlights we can't drive in the dark, without indicator lights we can't change direction, without streetlights we can't walk in the dark, without nightlights you'll stumble around a lot fumbling for the midnight cereal craving (that's never happened to me for the record - I speak on behalf of all those film/TV characters and their bowls of Coco Pops), without screen light we have no mobiles/iPods/computers/TVs and for half the population, life is over, without sunlight plants die - according to my faded year 7 Biology memory, without torchlights reading under the bedcovers would be a waste of time (unless you have night-vision goggles, but even then it's tricky)... without light we can't see a thing.

I'm not sure what I've accomplished by listing types of lights, but I'm feeling a small wave of accomplishment regardless. All in all, I don't think I can imagine a world without light. Lights have come to be so significant as well; the universally recognised red light (STOP!), flashing lights (panic about what to do next/question your driving ability in order to let the emergency vehicle pass), light at the end of the tunnel - and not just the driving type. There's a reason why lights are so important, and that's because they guide us. If you're in a dark cinema, you're guided along by the lights on the floor. Even if you hit a few people on the way to your seats, you'll make it. Light is the opposite of darkness, and we always associate the darkness with bad, murky, lurky, evil stuff. Therefore, light is good and the only bad thing about it is that it momentarily blinds you if too bright. But there's nothing a lot of blinking whilst seeing little white spots won't cure. 

And the light isn't always literal. If you're going through a dark time, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel. Because you have energy and legs and can walk, so you will not forever be stranded in a tunnel, no matter how long that tunnel may be (still not literal). Whether that light is the next stage of your life, a realisation, an overcoming of something, a person, a friend, a guide... lights will always guide you home. 

Bev x

Ps. For any new readers, yes this is a post dedicated to lights. Just lights. You were warned in the blog description; this blog can be random. 

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