Hello, I'm Bev

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Just a quick introduction: welcome to my blog! Technically it's new (this is the first post, after all), but for the past 2 years I've been blogging from my alternate home The Lollipop House (www.thelollipophouse.co.uk)I'll be switching between here and there for the next few months and then setting up camp here on Blogger. It's so much easier to write and post with than my other site provider so I guess it'll give me fewer excuses and more reason to write more! In the meantime, I shall attempt to make this blog look nicer (it's a bit dull atm isn't it?), and don't forget I will still be blogging from The Lollipop House as well.

About this (newly repackaged) blog - it'll be mainly my opinions on all sorts of things: fashion, films, music, but mostly life. Basically from a bird's eye view (me being the bird*). But it gets cooler - it really does; my name is Bev so if you think about it...
So really, I am that bird in more ways than one.*

Yep. That's about it for now.

-I'll think of something original to sign off with later-
Bev x

* "Bird" = NOT the horrible slang that some guys use! For the record.

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