#OscarFail: The Art of Mayhem...and Styling it Out

Monday, February 27, 2017


You know the 'gracious loser' face, where you smile and clap and nod even though you really, really wanted to win. Well try doing that in front of millions, after being told you've won. Unless you've been hiding under a rock you'll know all too well about the biggest Oscar blunder in history and how there was a La La Land / Moonlight mix-up (!!!) Talk about awkward. I've now watched the whole sequence and seeing the announcement and the cheers and tears and heartfelt speeches are so so so heartbreaking and cringeworthy...and then twenty minutes later hilarious. (Turns out they read out a second envelope for Emma Stone's Best Actress win - the accountants at PwC who are in charge of the secret winners' briefcase forgot to count that they still had envelopes left over.) And so, what do you do? Style it out. Yeesh.

"There's been a mistake. Moonlight, you won Best Picture. THIS IS NOT A JOKE."

*Cue inner freaaaaaaaak out* Like, what even? The Moonlight guys are clapping away then suddenly thinking, "is this some kind of sick joke?" This is now a test of acting ability to hide shock, but nobody bothers.

La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz: "I'm gonna be really proud to hand this to my friends from Moonlight.

And so the awards were passed on from one killer team to another, everyone briefly on one stage, with more confusion than any sign of bitterness. It's always nice seeing filmmakers come together, though usually in more 'normal' circumstances.

Jimmy Kimmel: "Why can't we just give out a bunch of them?"

Dammit, I wanted another Adele/Mean Girls moment of breaking the trophy in half- which team would get the golden bottom?

Warren Beatty: "I wasn't trying to be funny."

Warren Beatty is not this year's John Travolta. The poor guy was so confused and knew something wasn't right. Luckily he got his chance to explain it though.

Emma Stone: "Oh my God, oh my God."

And then watch as she tries to hide behind Ryan Gosling (top). I mean, I would too. 

But in all seriousness, Moonlight was such a deserved win. Even though I am a huge fan of La La Land (come on, you all know this by now), Moonlight was completely spellbinding and beautiful in a very different way. Instead of a big budget production that's been in the works for years, it filmed in a matter of days with at a snippet of the price tag - which could well be a landmark and inspiration for independent films going forward. Audiences are always looking for a stand-out, memorable moment in a ceremony that goes on for about 4 hours, and they certainly got it last night. At least it will go down in history. And good on all parties involved for styling it out - it definitely wouldn't have been easy!

I'd actually like to think there aren't winners and losers here - both films are such masterpieces that they are already winners in their own rights. But at the end of the day there is (supposedly) one name on the card.

Host Jimmy Kimmel aptly put a good spin on a crazy situation...

"It's just an awards show. The good news is...we got to see some extra speeches."

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