How to... Walk Quickly

Saturday, August 17, 2013

For many years, I've lived in a fast-moving, power-walking, can't-be-delayed-ing place. After a short while away, it's now back to "walk quickly or you can't walk anywhere". Mainly applicable to morning rush hours and highly concentrated areas of transport. It's quite an easily-acquired skill. Here's how: 

1. Walk with purpose
You might look like an idiot swinging your arms wildly back and forth, but if you walk with purpose (facial expression: determined), it's ok. Kind of.

2. Don't walk behind people on mobile phones
Attention to mobile phones means less attention to the speed of your walking. If pavements were roads, they would be road obstructions. 

3. Don't walk behind people with suitcases
Either help them out and offer to carry, or keep your distance.

4. Big group? If you can't beat em, join em
There's a crowd in front of you. In the words of that children's book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt", you can't go over it, you go under it, you can't go round it - you've got to go through it! Walk through the crowd and sidestep/trot/crawl/prance through the crowd to the other side.

5. Follow in the footsteps of a quick walker
They'll make the path clear - anyone they overtake, you overtake. Warning: Follow too closely and they'll freak out.

6. Overtake with care
The key is to swerve in an out of gaps without getting into other people's ways. Spot the gaps. Can potentially be dangerous.

7. Never get in other people's ways
People in a rush are ruthless. You'll know from the side effects of following steps 1-5.

8. Look where you're going
Easier said than done.

9. Lots of big strides
Er, to walk quickly...walk quickly. 

10. And sometimes, just sometimes, it's ok to run.
See that train approaching the platform 100m away from you? Run like the wind! Think Gump! Think Bolt! 

Monday morning, give it a go.

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