We've reached 10,000!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dear Reader,

I am writing this against the clock. I am very conscious as to post this before the clock strikes midnight - not because I'm secretly Cinderella, but because I need to add a few more posts for April! 

As of several days ago, we hit the 10,000 hits mark on Beview so this is basically a (hopefully) short and sweet message to say THANK YOU!!! 10,000 is a pretty whopping huge number and seeing as we've only really been around for a year, that is something I am extremely proud of. Thank you for reading, wherever in the world you are. (New readers from Belarus too which is SO cool!) I'm on the verge of sounding like an easily-excited schoolgirl so I'll bring it to a close soon... 

But yeah. Thanks! 

Here's to 10,000 more :)

All my love,

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